UMN Program Submission Form

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Entity reference format
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Title Name Date type/Element type
Serial number serial integer
Submission ID sid integer
Submission UUID uuid uuid
Submission URI uri string
Created created created
Completed completed timestamp
Changed changed changed
Is draft in_draft boolean
Current page current_page string
Remote IP address remote_addr string
Submitted by uid entity_reference
Language langcode language
Webform webform_id entity_reference
Submitted to: Entity type entity_type string
Submitted to: Entity ID entity_id string
Locked locked boolean
Sticky sticky boolean
Notes notes string_long
Please indicate which type of program you would like to submit: step_up_vs_k_12 radios
Will you be hiring a Step-Up Youth Employment Intern? will_you_be_hiring_a_step_up_youth_employment_intern_ radios
Number of Youth Interns number_of_youth_interns textfield
Dates dates textfield
Site Location site_location textfield
Host Contact Info host_contact_info webform_contact
Is this your first time hosting a youth intern? is_this_your_first_time_hosting_a_youth_intern_ radios
Have you completed all required paperwork per the Step-Up program via the City of Minneapolis? have_you_completed_all_required_paperwork_per_the_step_up_progra radios
Have all adults working directly with the youth intern/s completed the on-line Safety of Minors training found in the training hub? have_all_adults_working_directly_with_the_youth_intern_s_complet radios
Have all adults working directly with the youth intern/s passed a background check within the last three years? have_all_adults_working_directly_with_the_youth_interns_passed_ radios
Per the Safety of Minors: Health and Safety Requirements, I understand that the youth intern/s will maintain appropriate ratios, including no one-on-one interaction with an adult. Interactions must be observable and interruptible at all times. per_the_safety_of_minors_health_and_safety_requirements_i_unders checkboxes
Program Title program_title textfield
Unit unit textfield
Link to Program Registration link_to_program_registration textfield
Description decription textfield
Phone phone tel
Email (point of contact for participants) email_point_of_contact_for_participants_ email
Program Director/Leader program_director_leader textfield
Program Leader Email program_leader_email email
Start Date start_date datelist
End Date end_date datelist
Months Offered months_offered checkboxes
Age age checkboxes
Estimated number of participants estimated_number_of_participants textfield
Subject subject checkboxes
Program Location program_location checkboxes
Publish on Youth Central website? publish_on_website_ radios
Have all covered staff/volunteers passed a background check within the last three years? have_all_covered_staff_volunteers_passed_a_background_check_ radios
Have all covered staff/volunteers completed the Safety of Minors mandatory training via the Training Hub? have_all_covered_staff_volunteers_gone_through_mandatory_trainin radios
Will there be a minimum of two program staff on duty at all times who are 18 or older and two years older than the oldest participant? will_there_be_a_minimum_of_two_program_staff_on_duty_at_all_time radios
Will all program staff/volunteers/student workers receive an orientation? will_all_program_staff_receive_an_orientation_ radios
Have you planned appropriate physical environments to ensure quality learning environments and help prevent illnesses and accidents? have_you_planned_appropriate_physical_environments_to_ensure_qua radios
Is there a plan to change facilities or modify activities for participants with special needs? is_there_a_plan_to_change_facilities_or_modify_activities_for_pa radios
Is there a plan to change facilities or modify activities in case of extreme weather? is_there_a_plan_to_change_facilities_or_modify_activities_in_cas radios
Have you assessed the environment to determine if minors need to be accompanied to the bathrooms? have_you_assessed_the_environment_to_determine_if_minors_need_to radios
Is there a plan for the safe movement of minors? is_there_a_plan_for_the_safe_movement_of_minors_ radios
Do minors attend without a parent or other caretaker? do_minors_attend_without_a_parent_or_other_caretaker_ radios
Does the program collect and keep within easy access information on each participant including current medications administered during program time frame and contact information for parents/guardians? does_the_program_collect_and_keep_within_easy_access_information radios
Do program staff know how to find and use this information? do_program_staff_know_how_to_find_and_use_this_information_ radios
Has the program established and communicated practices to prevent accidents and illnesses, including adequate first aid and proper handling of medications? has_the_program_established_and_communicated_practices_to_preven radios
Does the program have emergency plans for fire, weather (e.g., tornado), toxic gas evacuations, unfamiliar packages, intruders, lost or missing children, and other emergencies? does_the_program_have_emergency_plans_for_fire_weather_e_g_torna radios
Has the program established and communicated to program staff appropriate procedures for addressing emergencies, accidents and illnesses? has_the_program_established_and_communicated_to_program_staff_ap radios
Will the program obtain a signed release of liability from all parents/guardians of minors prior to participation? will_the_program_obtain_a_signed_release_of_liability_from_all_p radios
Does the program lodge people overnight? does_the_program_lodge_people_overnight_ radios
Will the program follow lodging requirements? will_the_program_follow_lodging_requirements_ radios
Will there be a minimum of two program staff on duty overnight who are 21 or older? will_there_be_a_minimum_of_two_program_staff_on_duty_overnight_w radios
Has the program operated previously? has_the_program_operated_previously_ radios
Were any incidents of suspected abuse known to have been reported to or by staff in the last year? were_any_incidents_of_suspected_abuse_known_to_have_been_reporte radios
Was the incident reported to police, sheriff or local social service agency? was_the_incident_reported_to_police_sheriff_or_local_social_serv radios
Did the incident allegedly occur during the program or involve program staff or volunteers? did_the_incident_allegedly_occur_during_the_program_or_involve_p radios
Notification Date notification_date date
Will a minor be present in lab environment? minor_in_lab radios
In addition to the general release and waiver form, has each participants' adult caregiver signed off on the Labs Use Agreement Form (Paid Lab activity) or the Volunteers/Guests in Labs Form? lab_use_agreement radios
Are you prepared to give a safety overview of the lab space? safety_lab_space radios
Has your unit/department head received written communication informing them that minors will be in the lab on certain days and times? department_head_communication_info radios
Do you require any enrolled college students using the lab to complete a specific training safety module related to the lab activity? require_enrolled_college_students radios
Have you required the minors to also take the training module (this is a requirement). required_minors_take_training radios
Do you need an additional HSRM risk assessment because chemicals, dust, fumes, vapors, gases, biological materials, radioactive materials or other substances may be present? additional_hsrm_risk_assessment radios
Is this a virtual program? is_this_a_virtual_program_ radios
Is the platform supported by the University of MN? is_the_platform_supported_by_the_university_of_mn_ radios
Have safety guidelines been addressed related to your platform? have_safety_guidelines_been_addressed_related_to_your_platform_ radios
Will you be live streaming your program? will_you_be_live_streaming_your_program_ radios
Have safety precautions been put in place related to risks of live streaming? have_safety_precautions_been_put_in_place_related_to_risks_of_li radios
Have all staff/volunteers completed virtual safety guidelines training? have_all_staff_volunteers_completed_virtual_safety_guidelines_tr radios
Has oversight been established to include a minimum of two adults during all virtual engagement activities? has_oversight_been_established_to_include_a_minimum_of_two_adult radios
Is recording taking place? is_recording_taking_place_ radios
Have all participants been informed that the recording will take place? have_all_participants_been_informed_that_the_recording_will_take radios
Has the purpose for the recording been communicated to all participants? has_the_purpose_for_the_recording_been_communicated_to_all_parti radios
Will you delete the recording within 30 days? will_you_delete_the_recording_within_30_days_ radios
Will the recording be kept on a University accessible device? will_the_recording_be_kept_on_a_university_accessible_device_ radios
I agree to the terms of service. terms_of_service webform_terms_of_service
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Order submissions by ascending (oldest first) or descending (newest first).
If checked, only starred/flagged submissions will be downloaded. If unchecked, all submissions will downloaded.
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